Vacancy rate – percentage of available premises for lease
The vacancy rate represents the percentage of available space for rent out of the total number of generally completed properties in a given ...
The vacancy rate represents the percentage of available space for rent out of the total number of generally completed properties in a given ...
Market value is the estimated amount for which a property could be sold on the open market between informed and willing parties who are unde...
A heatmap, or temperature map, is a two-dimensional representation of data in which values are represented by colors. This type of visualiza...
A market analysis is a document that is the result of a process of collecting, examining and interpreting data about the property market. Th...
The term "GROSS Take-up" includes all leasing activity for a given time period and geographic unit. This is usually a quarterly statistic fo...
Class "A" space represents the highest standard of space available for lease in commercial projects. Designed and built using the latest mat...
The term "NET Take-up" refers to the total amount of space leased under new contracts over a given period of time - usually a quarter. This ...